Financial support
There are a variety of government benefits to improve the quality of life for those suffering from asbestos related diseases. There are benefits to replace basic earnings, benefits to help compensate for any pain and suffering experienced, benefits to assist with mobility difficulties and benefits to assist with your care should this be necessary.
The benefits system is very complicated and can be extremely difficult to access. The rules are changing all the time and rates of benefits varies widely depending on a number of circumstances such as your age, disability/illness and any savings or income you may have. Please note, not all benefits are affected by all factors.
These are some of the benefits you or your family may be entitled to:
If you are incapable of work
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
If you have a physical and/or mental disability
Attendance Allowance (AA)
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB)
If you are a carer
Carers Allowance
Road Tax
Blue Badge
Travel Card
Other benefits
Income Support
Jobseekers Allowance
Pension Credit
Social Fund
Scottish Welfare Fund
Tax Credits
Universal Credit
Council Tax Reduction
Council Tax Exemption
Disabled Person’s Reduction
Housing Benefits
Mortgage Costs
For help in finding out which benefits are applicable and available to you, please call our support officers or fill in the form below and we will be happy to assist you to fill out the necessary forms.